Deep Sky
Number 31 in Charles Messier's catalogue. A galaxy 2.2 million light years away from the Milky Way. Covering the size of around 3 full moons, the bright core can just be glimpsed in a dark moonless sky away from light pollution.
8 hours of data using L-Pro and L-Enhance filters, a WO Megrez 72, x0.8 reducer/flattener, Altair 269MC Pro Tec on a guided iOptron CEM 40. Stacked in DSS and processed in Siril and Affinity.
By John Press
The Heart Nebula
The Heart nebula is a region of gas and dust around 7500 light years away. It is around 200 light years across and if it were visible to the naked eye would be 4 times the size of the full moon.
William Optics Megrez 72, x0.8 reducer flattener, Ha filter, Altair 269C Pro Tec. 60 x 60s images, with flats and darks stacked and processed in Affinity Photo.
By John Press.
23 million light years away, M101 is one of the largest face on spiral galaxies visible in the night sky. It is around twice the size of the milky way.
William Optics Megrez 72, x0.8 reducer flattener, light pollution filter, Altair 269C Pro Tec. 83 x 90s images, with flats and darks stacked in DSS, processed in Siril and processed Affinity Photo, gradient in GraExpert.
By John Press.